Language - Speaking - Voice - Hearing - Swallowing
The chewing, lip and tongue musculature and teeth interact with one another. If teeth are set awkwardly or the lips can be closed only with great difficulty, it may lead to speech impediments. If the tongue presses against the teeth they can be moved or tilted.
We cooperate very closely with different logopedists and bring it to your attention if we believe logopedic therapy is necessary.
*Focus Top-Mediziner Aufzeichnung zum zehnten Mal für den ADENTICS Kieferorthopäden Dr. Ralf Müller-Hartwich. Kieferorthopäde Dr. Woo-Ttum Bittner zum zweiten Mal.
Jameda Note ADENTICS Berlin - Mitte Leipziger Platz 7
*Ausgezeichnete Service - Qualität & Praxiskultur an allen ADENTICS - Standorten.
*Ausgezeichnete Service - Qualität & Praxiskultur an allen ADENTICS - Standorten.