Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
03328 - 33 95 13 0
033762 - 46 25 50
Berlin - Mitte
Termin buchen
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Termin buchen
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Termin buchen
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Termin buchen
Termin buchen
Termin buchen
Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Leipziger Platz 7
10117 Berlin
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Consultation hours & Contact
Goltzstraße 7
12307 Berlin
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Schloßstraße 26
13507 Berlin
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Am Bahnhof 4
15831 Mahlow
To the practice tour
Book appointment
03328 - 33 95 13 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Neißestraße 2
14513 Teltow
To the practice tour
Book appointment
033762 - 46 25 50
Consultation hours & Contact
Richard-Israel Straße 3
15732 Schulzendorf
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Berlin - Mitte
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Thuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 7pm
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 11am to 5pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 5pm
Berlin - Teltow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Berlin - Schulzendorf
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 7:45am to 5pm
Chat folgt


ADENTICS News – Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden.

Win an exclusive ADENTICS Advent Calendar 2024

Finally, it's that time again. We are giving away our unique and exclusive ADENTICS Advent calendar with 24 doors...


Dr Bittner and Prof Miethke present their study on the quality of Invisalign treatments in the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics, published by Quintessenz-Verlag.

Golden certificates for golden treatments⭐️🦷

ADENTICS doctors at the 5th EAS Congress in Valencia 🇪🇸

ADENTICS at the 18th Winter Congress of the KFO-IG in Austria

TOP Orthodontists 2024: Dr. Bittner and Dr. Müller-Hartwich again awarded the "stern" award!

ADENTICS ACADEMY: Excellence in employee development - empowerment and training with expert coaching


2 x 15 = 30 times Thank you!🫶🏻🎉

ADENTICS wishes you a happy Valentine's Day 😍

ADENTICS Christmas Break 🎄❄️☃️

Our closing times over Christmas and New Year.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 🎅🎄🤩

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year 🎅🎄🤩

Virtual Care Training at ADENTICS 😍🦷

Win an exclusive ADENTICS Advent calendar 2023

It's finally that time again. We are giving away our unique and exclusive ADENTICS Advent calendar with 31 doors...

ADENTICS on a visit to Munich

Dr. Woo-Ttum Bittner held an Invisalign course for treating orthodontists.

ADENTICS in Amsterdam

ADENTICS orthodontist Prof. Rainer-Reginald Miethke at the meeting of the Align Technology Scientific Advisory Board in Amsterdam.

Anna Grzebyta was appointed specialist dentist for orthodontics

The ADENTICS credit card 💳🦷

Well, if that isn't something special!

10 times thank you dear Kathi 🙏🏼🎉

Tracksuits for the SG Schulzendorf ⚽️🦷

ADENTICS supports „Die Arche“

At the cutting edge of 3D aligner planning 🦷

ADENTICS at the DGKFO Annual Conference 2023 🦷

Katrein turns 15... at ADENTICS 😜🎉🎊

Cassandra, Emily, Esra and Jenny have passed their final exams to become dental assistants 🍾🎉

ADENTICS at the KFO BB festive event

ADENTICS orthodontists bid farewell to Prof. Jost-Brinkmann.

The ADENTICS Academy invites you to: Orthodontics today - opportunities and limits.

Date: 16.09.23.
Register quickly now!

To the registration

Note: from September changed opening days in Schulzendorf

That was the Align DACH Summit 2023

This year's Align DACH Summit took place at Motorworld Munich on April 28 and 29. ADENTICS founder and CEO speaker represented in the "Focus Sessions" category!

ADENTICS at the Sea Love KFO the ABZ Congress 2023

Sylke Bittner from ADENTICS spoke at the SEA LOVE KFO the ABZ Congress 2023 at the Tegernsee Lake

ADENTICS at the Invisalign DACH Summit 2023

On Friday the 28.04. and Saturday the 29.04. ADENTICS founder and CEO speaker will be present at the Align DACH Summit 2023 in the "Focus Sessions" category!

Attention: April to August changed opening days in Schulzendorf

From April to August we will shift our 4 opening days by one day a week.

Do you already know the ADENTICS RETAINER CLUB?

Hardworking folding in Schulzendorf 😄

ADENTICS-Academy Ausbildung with Bianca Rieken

Psychologist & HR Manager Bianca Rieken regularly conducts training sessions with our teams at our ADENTICS Academy.

Long time cooperation quality and precision 🦷

ADENTICS is always looking for the most modern and highest quality materials for the treatment of our patients.


This year ADENTICS was again awarded the coveted Praxisplusaward quality seal for exemplary practice culture.

TOP Doctors – FOCUS Health 2022

This year, our management was once again awarded the coveted seal by FOCUS Gesundheit in cooperation with Fact Field for the specialty of orthodontics.

Removable fixed braces ?

... yes, something like that also exists, at least on television.

🎄Christmas in May ?☀️

... a pandemic and therefore two cancelled celebrations made it possible. So, it was all the nicer that our large team came together the Friday...

Invisalign DACH Summit 2022

ADENTICS CEO and Orthodontist Woo-Ttum Bittner was asked to co-chair this year's big Invisalign Summit for Germany, Austria and Switzerland together with TV presenter Kristina Sterz...

Stern Award 2022

Woo-Ttum Bittner and Dr. Ralf Müller-Hartwich were awarded the stern label "Germany's Excellent Doctors 2022.

ADENTICS at the 32nd Symposium on Practical Orthodontics in Berlin.

Multitalented Radlanski: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Radlanski gave a lecture at the 32nd Symposion Practical Orthodontics in Berlin on 02.04.2022...

Dubious Business with Cheap Dental Aligners – ProSieben clarifies

Risks and dangers of treatment with splints from cheap suppliers from the Internet! The ProSieben journal "Zervakis & Opdenhövel. Live."...

ADENTICS Video: The Permanent Retainer – Helpful Information

ADENTICS Treatment Coordinator Michele shows what important things happen after tooth correction. The retention phase begins, and the permanent retainer is inserted...

ADENTICS Video: Fixed braces - Tips & tricks for cleaning and care

Treatment Coordinator Michele will show you a few things worth knowing about your braces today...

Many years of cooperation in quality and precision

ADENTICS is constantly looking for the most modern and highest quality materials for the treatment of its patients...


Our Sarah from Schulzendorf passed her exam to become a certified QMB – Quality Management Representative last weekend...

ADENTICS Prof. Ralf J. Radlanski in Concert

Our treating orthodontist Prof. Ralf J. Radlanski was recently on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, where he followed his second passion...

ADENTICS in Kurdistan

Our treating orthodontist Prof. Rainer-Reginald Miethke visited Vanest in Erbil, Autonomous Region of Kurdistan, Iraq by invitation....

ADENTICS Video: Fixed braces: Advantages and Disadvantages.

Über feste Zahnspangen gibt es viele Vorurteile und Meinungen. Wir haben uns dem Thema in einem Video gewidmet....

Telephone availability ADENTICS in Mitte

Dear patients,
from January 2022 are already available for you from 8 am. The practice opening hours remain unaffected....

Congratulations Dr. Julie Angrick!

Our training assistant Julie Angrick from the Lichtenrade site has now been officially awarded her academic degree via certificate after receiving her doctorate...

Concentrated Competence in the ADENTICS Medical Team

Our treating ADENTICS orthodontists Prof. em. Dr. Rainer-Reginald Miethke (right) and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf J. Radlanski (left) are both...

Insight into the digital workflow at ADENTICS.

Today we give you a little insight into our digital lab. Socketing, segmenting, print preparation are just three steps in our digital workflow...

Win an exclusive ADENTICS Advent Calendar 2021

Finally, it's that time again. We are giving away our unique and exclusive ADENTICS Advent calendar with 31 doors...

AI X-Ray Diagnostics at ADENTICS

Artificial intelligence supports ADENTICS physicians in X-ray diagnostics...

"Diamond Apex" - Highest Invisalign Status for ADENTICS

ADENTICS is a leader in the use of transparent dental aligners and has been awarded "Diamond Apex" status as one of the largest users of Invisalign in Europe...

20 Years ADENTICS ????

Twenty years of orthodontics with heart. This week our location in Lichtenrade and thus all of ADENTICS celebrated its 20th anniversary...

ADENTICS Academy Training

Our trainees and new employees continue to receive block training at the ADENTICS Academy to prepare them for their day-to-day work at ADENTICS...

Invisalign workshop and certification at ADENTICS

With 30 former, current and future orthodontists and continuing education assistants from ADENTICS, Woo-Ttum Bittner conducted an exclusive workshop over the weekend...

ADENTICS at the Young ITI Meeting in Hamburg

Our orthodontist Woo-Ttum Bittner gave a lecture to the participants of the implant training course to show how easy it is to use aligners to fill implant gaps...

European consensus: DIY orthodontics is dangerous for patients

European consensus: DIY orthodontics is dangerous for patients. Over 30 professional societies, associations and organizations from 25 countries warn against DIY orthodontics!...

Prof. Dr. Dr. Radlanski on lecture tour

Prof. Dr. Dr. Radlanski on a lecture tour. See here some impressions...

WOW - 20 years company anniversary ???

We say thank you for an incredible 20 years of loyalty...

15 YEARS ?

We say thank you for 15 years of loyalty!...

ADENTICS auf den Esthetic Days in Baden Baden

ADENTICS founder and CEO Woo-Ttum Bittner led the Esthetic Days orthodontic block as chairman...

10 Years ADENTICS - The Orthodontists in Berlin-Mitte ????

In September, our location at Leipziger Platz in Berlin-Mitte celebrated its 10th anniversary. That means anniversary week at ADENTICS...

ADENTICS Video: We speak your language. Sign language at ADENTICS.

Today we introduce Fabienne. She is a dental assistant in the treatment at ADENTICS in Teltow...

ADENTICS – Beste Expertise

Our orthodontist Prof. Dr. Miethke is not only president of the German Society for Aligner Orthodontics, but has now also joined the scientific board of Align Technology...

ADENTICS Video: Aligners?! Do they work at all?

There are many prejudices and opinions about the transparent dental trays. We have dedicated ourselves to the topic...

Anna-Maria - 10 years with ADENTICS

Our Anna-Maria, dental assistant, celebrated her 10 years with ADENTICS yesterday and was surprised with flowers during the early morning meeting...

ADENTICS Opening Tegeler Hafen

Today was finally the day. Our sixth and newest location in Berlin-Tegel finally opened its doors after the renovation phase....

New ADENTICS Video: Which braces are right for me?

Warum ein schönes und gesundes Lächeln nicht einfach online bestellt werden kann? Feste oder lose Zahnspange? Aligner? Kieferorthopäden können Dich richtig beraten...

ADENTICS awarded with Invisalign "Diamond Apex"!

ADENTICS is a leader in the use of transparent dental aligners. ADENTICS has been awarded "Diamond Apex" status today as one of the largest users of Invisalign in Europe...

The 6th ADENTICS Location

Full of anticipation and pride, today we present the great news: ADENTICS opens its sixth location under the medical direction of specialist dentist Dr. Jörg Granzow!...


This year, our management was once again awarded the coveted seal by FOCUS Gesundheit in cooperation with Fact Field for the specialty of orthodontics...

Congratulations Ayse ? ?

Our "former" trainee Ayse from the Mahlow site has passed her final examination to become a dental assistant and is now part of the permanent outgoing treatment team...

Practice Closing Day in May

Dear patients,
on 14.05.21 our locations in Mitte, Lichtenrade and Mahlow will be closed....


Liebe Patienten,

hier informieren wir Sie über anstehende Schließtage unsere Praxis.

An folgenden Tagen bleiben unsere Praxen geschlossen:
ADENTICS Berlin-Mitte
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Berlin-Lichtenrade
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 15.04.25 geschlossen. Die Vertretung findet in Mahlow statt.
ADENTICS Berlin Tegeler Hafen
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Blankenfelde Mahlow
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Schulzendorf
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day

  • Zahnärztlicher Notdienst:
  • Telefon 030 - 89 00 43 33

Follow us

ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden
Invisalign in Berlin & Brandenburg

ADENTICS - die Kieferorthopäden
  • Orthodontists BERLIN - MITTE

    Leipziger Platz 7, 10117 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BERLIN - LICHTENRADE

    Tempelhof Goltzstraße 39, 12307 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BLANKENFELDE - MAHLOW

    Am Bahnhof 4, 15831 Mahlow

  • Orthodontists TELTOW

    Neißestraße 2, 14513 Teltow

    nahe Kleinmachnow, Stahnsdorf ...
  • Orthodontists SCHULZENDORF

    Richard-Israel-Straße 3, 15732 Schulzendorf

  • Orthodontists TEGELER - HAFEN

    Schloßstraße 26, 13507 Berlin

    Direkt an der U-Bahn Alt-Tegel und Borsigturm