Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
03328 - 33 95 13 0
033762 - 46 25 50
Berlin - Mitte
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Berlin - Lichtenrade
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Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Termin buchen
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
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Termin buchen
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Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Leipziger Platz 7
10117 Berlin
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Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Consultation hours & Contact
Goltzstraße 7
12307 Berlin
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Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Schloßstraße 26
13507 Berlin
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Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Am Bahnhof 4
15831 Mahlow
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03328 - 33 95 13 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Neißestraße 2
14513 Teltow
To the practice tour
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033762 - 46 25 50
Consultation hours & Contact
Richard-Israel Straße 3
15732 Schulzendorf
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Berlin - Mitte
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Thuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 7pm
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 11am to 5pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 5pm
Berlin - Teltow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Berlin - Schulzendorf
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 7:45am to 5pm
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Latest news

European consensus: DIY orthodontics is dangerous for patients

European consensus: DIY orthodontics is dangerous for patients. Over 30 professional societies, associations and organizations from 25 countries warn against DIY orthodontics!...

European consensus: DIY (Do-It-Yourself) orthodontics is dangerous for patients.

Over 30 professional societies, associations, and organizations from 25 countries warn against DIY orthodontics!

At ADENTICS you will be treated exclusively by orthodontic specialists.

With great concern, dentists and orthodontists across Europe are observing the increasing activities of start-up companies that advertise and sell orthodontic treatments with aligners by mail, without proper diagnostics and without regular clinical monitoring. These companies often advertise their services as affordable, fast and safe, even though they do not meet the required dental standards. Orthodontic treatment without proper diagnostics and regular clinical monitoring poses significant risks to patient health.

Basic requirements for any orthodontic treatment

Therefore, under the coordination of EFOSA, the European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations, 31 dental and orthodontic professional societies, associations and institutions from 25 countries have joined forces to sign and fully support a joint statement on the questionable remote treatment of dental malocclusions. The German Society of Orthodontics, the BDK and the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics have also joined this declaration.

In this joint declaration, the basic requirements for any orthodontic treatment are presented:

On the remote treatment of malocclusions

Various companies offer self- and remote treatment of malocclusions without direct contact between patient and a regular dentist by means of tele-media by transmitting image or video files. Treatment planning is based on impressions taken by the patient themselves, followed by consecutive manufacturing and deployment of treatment devices - particularly aligners - to the patient via mail. Treatment progress monitoring happens entirely without patient contact.

In this respect we declare:

  1. Any treatment of malocclusions represents a medical intervention in the stomatognathic system and should therefore be exclusively performed by a fully qualified dentist.
  2. Any treatment of a malocclusion must be preceded by a thorough clinical examination of the patient. Moreover, imaging findings must be evaluated for adequate treatment planning in order to identify contraindications or special risks.
  3. Any treatment of malocclusion requires regular clinical monitoring. It is essential to assess the treatment progress, but also to detect possible complications such as undesirable tooth movement or other intraoral pathologies at an early stage.
  4. Patient self-treatment and exclusive patient remote treatment must therefore be rejected as potentially hazardous to the patient's health. Exclusive self- and remote treatment cannot be justified from a professional dental perspective. Exclusive self- and remote treatment represents a serious violation of the dental standard.

Treatments without thorough on-site clinical examination of the patient, radiographs, and regular clinical monitoring are potentially hazardous to health. Exclusive self-treatment and remote treatment cannot be justified from a medical point of view and is a serious violation of medical and dental standards.

Every patient should pay attention to the basic requirements in their treatment.

“The agreement of the European orthodontists makes it clear that orthodontics is more than just aligning the front teeth; it is about a holistic approach in which the well-being of the patient is at the center of our treatments,” says Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Scherer, who coordinated the project for EFOSA. “Every patient should make sure that the basic requirements formulated in the joint declaration are also observed in their treatment so that the treatment can be carried out safely.”

The common statement is available for download here.

adn news gesellschaften 31

Liebe Patienten,

hier informieren wir Sie über anstehende Schließtage unsere Praxis.

An folgenden Tagen bleiben unsere Praxen geschlossen:
ADENTICS Berlin-Mitte
  • 18.04. – 24.04.25 Osterurlaub
  • 02.05.25 Brückentag
  • 08.05. - 09.05.25
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 30.05.25 Brückentag
ADENTICS Berlin-Lichtenrade
  • 11.04.25 geschlossen. Die Vertretung findet in Mitte statt.
  • 15.04.25 geschlossen. Die Vertretung findet in Mahlow statt.
  • 02.05.25 Brückentag
  • 08.05. - 09.05.25
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 30.05.25 Brückentag
ADENTICS Tegeler Hafen
  • 14.04. – 02.05.25 Osterurlaub
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 25.08. – 05.09.25 Sommerurlaub
  • 08.04. - 09.04.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Lichtenberg
  • 14.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 21.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 28.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Blankenfelde Mahlow
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 20.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Schulzendorf
  • 21.04. – 25.04.25 Osterurlaub
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 18.08. – 05.09.25 Sommerurlaub
  • 22.12. – 02.01.26 Weihnachtsurlaub

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ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden
Invisalign in Berlin & Brandenburg

ADENTICS - die Kieferorthopäden
  • Orthodontists BERLIN - MITTE

    Leipziger Platz 7, 10117 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BERLIN - LICHTENRADE

    Tempelhof Goltzstraße 39, 12307 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BLANKENFELDE - MAHLOW

    Am Bahnhof 4, 15831 Mahlow

  • Orthodontists TELTOW

    Neißestraße 2, 14513 Teltow

    nahe Kleinmachnow, Stahnsdorf ...
  • Orthodontists SCHULZENDORF

    Richard-Israel-Straße 3, 15732 Schulzendorf

  • Orthodontists TEGELER - HAFEN

    Schloßstraße 26, 13507 Berlin

    Direkt an der U-Bahn Alt-Tegel und Borsigturm