Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
03328 - 33 95 13 0
033762 - 46 25 50
Berlin - Mitte
Termin buchen
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Termin buchen
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Termin buchen
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Termin buchen
Termin buchen
Termin buchen
Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Leipziger Platz 7
10117 Berlin
To the practice tour
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Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Consultation hours & Contact
Goltzstraße 7
12307 Berlin
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Schloßstraße 26
13507 Berlin
To the practice tour
Book appointment
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Am Bahnhof 4
15831 Mahlow
To the practice tour
Book appointment
03328 - 33 95 13 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Neißestraße 2
14513 Teltow
To the practice tour
Book appointment
033762 - 46 25 50
Consultation hours & Contact
Richard-Israel Straße 3
15732 Schulzendorf
To the practice tour
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Berlin - Mitte
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Thuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 7pm
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 11am to 5pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 5pm
Berlin - Teltow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Berlin - Schulzendorf
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 7:45am to 5pm
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  • News Content
  • The ADENTICS Academy invites you to: Orthodontics today - opportunities and limits.

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The ADENTICS Academy invites you to: Orthodontics today - opportunities and limits.

Date: 16.09.23.
Register quickly now!

To the registration

Advanced training: Orthodontics today - opportunities and limits.

Dear Colleagues, Dear Referrers,

a lot of time has passed during the pandemic, during which we have rarely seen each other. But during this time, aligner technology has evolved and we have significantly expanded our treatment experience.

New opportunities in interdisciplinary collaboration

Especially in the field of preprosthetic orthodontics, the possibilities have expanded. Together we can determine the planning for concentrating gaps and the timing of implant placement. Aligners can even be used for temporary superstructures and orthodontic anchorage and are very suitable for measures in periodontally damaged dentition.

Aligner therapy for children and adolescents

We have expanded our treatment spectrum with aligners for children and adolescents as well, so that very fast and comfortable treatment is now possible here as well.

Overview of esthetic anterior tooth correction

If you want to make minor corrections yourself with aligners, we offer an overview of possible problems and solutions for esthetic anterior tooth correction.

Collegial exchange

Feel free to bring cases from your own practice that we can discuss together. We look forward to a morning of collegial exchange.

With warm regards
Yours, Ralf J. Radlanski and the ADENTIC teamS

Date: Saturday, 16.09.2023
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
ADENTICS Berlin-Mitte
Leipziger Platz 7
10117 Berlin

4 continuing education credits will be issued.

To the registration

09:00 Coffee to welcome
09:15 Introduction: Aligner technique in orthodontics today. Opportunities and Limits. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ralf J. Radlanski
10:30 Break
11:00 Case presentations and discussion. Speaker: Helen Huhnt, M.Sc.
12:30 Discussion and discussion of cases brought along.
13:00 End of event

To the registration

Liebe Patienten,

hier informieren wir Sie über anstehende Schließtage unsere Praxis.

An folgenden Tagen bleiben unsere Praxen geschlossen:
ADENTICS Berlin-Mitte
  • 18.04. – 24.04.25 Osterurlaub
  • 02.05.25 Brückentag
  • 08.05. - 09.05.25
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 30.05.25 Brückentag
ADENTICS Berlin-Lichtenrade
  • 11.04.25 geschlossen. Die Vertretung findet in Mitte statt.
  • 15.04.25 geschlossen. Die Vertretung findet in Mahlow statt.
  • 02.05.25 Brückentag
  • 08.05. - 09.05.25
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 30.05.25 Brückentag
ADENTICS Tegeler Hafen
  • 14.04. – 02.05.25 Osterurlaub
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 25.08. – 05.09.25 Sommerurlaub
  • 08.04. - 09.04.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Lichtenberg
  • 14.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 21.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 28.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Blankenfelde Mahlow
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 20.03.25 Interne Fortbildung
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
ADENTICS Schulzendorf
  • 21.04. – 25.04.25 Osterurlaub
  • 15.05.25 ADENTICS POWER Day
  • 18.08. – 05.09.25 Sommerurlaub
  • 22.12. – 02.01.26 Weihnachtsurlaub

  • Zahnärztlicher Notdienst:
  • Telefon 030 - 89 00 43 33

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ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden
Invisalign in Berlin & Brandenburg

ADENTICS - die Kieferorthopäden
  • Orthodontists BERLIN - MITTE

    Leipziger Platz 7, 10117 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BERLIN - LICHTENRADE

    Tempelhof Goltzstraße 39, 12307 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BLANKENFELDE - MAHLOW

    Am Bahnhof 4, 15831 Mahlow

  • Orthodontists TELTOW

    Neißestraße 2, 14513 Teltow

    nahe Kleinmachnow, Stahnsdorf ...
  • Orthodontists SCHULZENDORF

    Richard-Israel-Straße 3, 15732 Schulzendorf

  • Orthodontists TEGELER - HAFEN

    Schloßstraße 26, 13507 Berlin

    Direkt an der U-Bahn Alt-Tegel und Borsigturm