Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
03328 - 33 95 13 0
033762 - 46 25 50
Berlin - Mitte
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Berlin - Lichtenrade
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Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
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Blankenfelde - Mahlow
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Berlin - Mitte
030 - 311 74 74 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Leipziger Platz 7
10117 Berlin
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Berlin - Lichtenrade
030 - 76 76 60 30
Consultation hours & Contact
Goltzstraße 7
12307 Berlin
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Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
030 - 40 57 105 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Schloßstraße 26
13507 Berlin
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Blankenfelde - Mahlow
03379 - 31 499 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Am Bahnhof 4
15831 Mahlow
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03328 - 33 95 13 0
Consultation hours & Contact
Neißestraße 2
14513 Teltow
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033762 - 46 25 50
Consultation hours & Contact
Richard-Israel Straße 3
15732 Schulzendorf
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Berlin - Mitte
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Thuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 7pm
Blankenfelde - Mahlow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 11am to 5pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Lichtenrade
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Teltow
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Berlin - Schulzendorf
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Berlin - Tegeler Hafen
Opening hours
Monday 9am to 7pm
Tuesday 9am to 7pm
Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Thursday 9am to 7pm
Chat folgt

Loose & colorful braces for kids

Tooth straightening with removable braces

When orthodontic treatment is recommended for children between the ages of 8 and 14, removable braces are the preferred method as long as the child still has milk teeth. Depending on the brace design, they are used to restrain or direct growth spurts in order to promote the growth of underdeveloped jaws or jaw sections, or to control growth in overdeveloped jaws.

Gap holder / Placeholderr

Each milk tooth also serves as a placeholder for the following permanent tooth. If you lose a milk tooth prematurely because of cavities, an inflammation or an accident, a substitute must be provided.

This appliance is removable and is only worn at night. It keeps the gap open for the permanent tooth yet to come.

The space maintainer has no active elements for tooth or jaw correction.

Active plate

The active plate is a removable appliance with spring elements for tooth movement or screws to lengthen the jaw.

A stretching time of at least 16 hours per day is recommended to produce the optimal result.

To move the screws, our patients receive two positioning keys: one straight and one bent.

The springs are activated by the dental staff.

Bite jumper

This appliance is an orthodontic function device. It works by controlling the growth of the jaw parts and adjusting the tongue, chewing and lip functions.

The bite jumper used by Adentics has two bars to shift the lower jaw forward, and a screw in both jaws to stretch them. Usually, only the screws in the upper jaw have to be affixed.


This appliance is an orthodontic function device. It works by controlling growth of the jaw parts and adjusting the tongue, chewing and lip functions.

The devices used at ADENTICS: flexible-open activator, the Bionator, and the Berliner activator.

Frankel functional appliance

This appliance is an orthodontic function device. It works by controlling the growth of the jaw parts and adjusting the tongue, chewing and lip functions.

At first sight it looks quite large, but in fact they offer maximum comfort since the movement of the tongue is not restricted.

Retention appliance / Retention braces

These appliances/braces are used after the conclusion of an active orthodontic treatment and serve to protect the treated tooth and jaw position. Retaining clips are usually worn only at night.

Since teeth, unfortunately, change their position all through one’s life, retaining clips should also be worn all through one’s life. As an adult, wearing them occasionally (2 nights a week) is generally sufficient.

Learn more about it in the ADENTICS Retainer Club.

You have questions?
Please contact us,
we will be happy to advise you.
  • 030 311 74 74 0
Removable braces Advantages, disadvantages and costs
  • Removable
  • Oral hygiene is easy to perform
  • Take advantage of growth
  • Possible speech impediment during wearing
  • Like all attached braces, some pressure pain at the beginning
  • Requires disciplined wearing regimen
  • Not possible for all malpositioned teeth
Publicly insured patients
Public insurance does not cover everything, but we are up front about informing you about the additional costs in our practice and are happy to advise you about payment options.

Privately insured patients
For private patients, the additional costs that may arise depend on your insurance policy.

Financing is possible; please ask us about available options. See also Costs

On us
you can trust!

  • *Focus Top-Mediziner Aufzeichnung zum zehnten Mal für den ADENTICS Kieferorthopäden Dr. Ralf Müller-Hartwich. Kieferorthopäde Dr. Woo-Ttum Bittner zum zweiten Mal.

  • Jameda Note ADENTICS Berlin - Mitte Leipziger Platz 7

  • *Ausgezeichnete Service - Qualität & Praxiskultur an allen ADENTICS - Standorten.

  • *Ausgezeichnete Service - Qualität & Praxiskultur an allen ADENTICS - Standorten.

  • * ADENTICS BERLIN - Mitte Leipziger Platz 7

  • *Ausgezeichnete Praxishygiene an allen ADENTICS - Standorten.

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ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden
Invisalign in Berlin & Brandenburg

ADENTICS - die Kieferorthopäden
  • Orthodontists BERLIN - MITTE

    Leipziger Platz 7, 10117 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BERLIN - LICHTENRADE

    Tempelhof Goltzstraße 39, 12307 Berlin

  • Orthodontists BLANKENFELDE - MAHLOW

    Am Bahnhof 4, 15831 Mahlow

  • Orthodontists TELTOW

    Neißestraße 2, 14513 Teltow

    nahe Kleinmachnow, Stahnsdorf ...
  • Orthodontists SCHULZENDORF

    Richard-Israel-Straße 3, 15732 Schulzendorf

  • Orthodontists TEGELER - HAFEN

    Schloßstraße 26, 13507 Berlin

    Direkt an der U-Bahn Alt-Tegel und Borsigturm